1,000 Acres Dude Ranch


This is part six of GS Troop 6213's year in review. You might like to read:

In July we visited 1000 Acres Dude Ranch. This was a trip that the girls worked towards all year long.

Though it rained most of the weekend, the girls got to ride twice, swim, and take part in resort activities including country line dancing. They primarily worked on the Horse Rider and Horse Fan badges. (Cowboy Ernie even sang the girls a cowboy ballad over dinner one night to help with the requirements.) The girls even woke up at 5:30 in the morning to go and groom the horses!


Here you can see a short video of the girls riding in from their Sunday morning ride.

Of course all of the girls were tired after a weekend full of excitement.


This is part six of GS Troop 6213's year in review. You might like to read: