Thanksgiving 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

As with tradition, today is a time to reflect on the blessings of our life. I thought that I should take a few minutes and create a post updating you of developments in my life over the last few months since these are two of the things that I'm thankful for this year. First, I have been (unofficially) accepted into the Reach to Teach program at Saint Joseph College in West Hartford, CT. This is an accelerated graduate program where I will earn my Master's degree and teacher certification in a year and a half (including completion of my student teaching). So, if you thought that I was a crazy lady this semester taking 18 credits to get ready to enter this program, I've gone even crazier!

The other thing that I'm thankful for is the fact that I'm working full-time again. I'm a preschool teacher at Joni's Child Care and Preschool in Farmington, CT. I work with 3-year-olds all day- some days are good, others are horrible. We write our own lesson plans which include literature, math, science, art, music, dramatic play, and outside time every day. I'm starting to get attached to the little guys (and girls).

How was your Thanksgiving?

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I think, working with 3-years-olds is very difficult! But sometime it's very interesting!

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