The First Baby Poll


So, since Dan made this handy dandy thing called Poll Position, I figure that I should put it to use!

When people find out that we are pregnant the first thing they usually excitedly ask is “Are you going to find out if it’s a girl or a boy?” I hear this at least four times as much as the expected “When are you due?” Dan and I are enjoying the mystery of it all, so I don’t think that we are going to find out. Some people are mortified at the idea that we can wait to find out while others cheer us on for not “cheating.” So, I thought that I would start a poll to see what you guys are predicting!

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How about a choice of "I think it's great that you want to be surprised at birth", or "A happy, healthy baby!" Those are my votes.

yeah I vote for healthy baby. I'm happy that you can wait it out! GOod luck!

You guys are no fun.... play along will ya?!

Where's the option for "Human"?

k... play along i'll vote Boy so Dan go go through the scouting fun!

hope the two of you have a very healthy baby but i think it will be a girl because jean and larry had all boys and sherree you need a girl so she can do scrapbooking good luck cant wait to see the baby when its born.

I'm with Debbie, I think it will be a girl...but I reserve the right to change my mind!

Troop 29 would welcome a new "boy" scout.

I say he is going to be a BIG BOY!

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