Photo Challenge, Day 4


Photo challenge day 4: 85 mm lens. I really liked using this lens on the D300, which was a DX-format camera so the focal length was more like 127 mm. That’s an odd focal length, but I found it to be useful and suit me well. On the FX-format D800, it’s 85 mm, and I don’t particularly like that focal length. It’s typically too long to partner with my “normal” 35 mm and not long enough for much other use. The image quality is fantastic, though!

I had no plan of what to shoot today, but the water pumps caught my attention. This is the one in the youth group camping area. I like the shallow DOF, but I now wonder if I should have instead shot this in landscape orientation to show more picnic tables, better communicating that this is a camping/picnic area. In hindsight, shot at the same aperture, I think that might have been a stronger photo.

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